Monday, September 26, 2011

First Weekend Home

I finally got to go home this weekend! The school suggests that students stay on campus for the first 6 weeks and I managed to make it through 5. I couldn’t wait anymore; I needed to get home and quickly. After getting all packed and dragging my many bags along with my laundry down to the lobby, I waited for my mom to finally come and get me; the seconds ticking by like a drop of water hitting a piece of metal. Then I saw her black car come down the street and I was out the door before my mom could even find a parking spot. I was happy to see my aunt Lori really did make the trip down, too, and after giving hugs and kisses and a quick bathroom break, I was relieved to when we started on the road home.

After a side splitting adventure back, my mom and I pulled into the driveway. Grabbing my bags to walk into the house felt like an odd gesture, I lived here after all, this is where I grew up, it’s where I had my birthday parties, where I split my chin open, where I had countless sleep overs with Dev and many chocolate chip pancake breakfasts; stepping inside into the kitchen felt so familiar but so strange. I was an outsider now, sure this was still my home, but I didn’t truly live here anymore, my new home was my small, cozy dorm room back in Winona. Opening the door to my room was even more odd, having been away from home so long. It was a comfort to see that my things had been left just the way I had left them, and my books still sat silent up on my shelves.

It was quiet for a few moments…and then we heard a car door slam. My sister had finally gotten over here with my nephews. They came in and I felt so happy. Kaden looked so big, already seeming to loose his innocent toddler hands and growing up right before me. Then I got to bear hug my little Ryan, or as we all call him, Boomer.  (He even calls himself Boomer, he won’t answer to Ryan anymore) His sweet little pudgy face was just as I remembered it, only now he could count to five and say, “cheetah pizza” and “Starbucks”. Then there’s Ashely. We feel comfortably into our roles as 6 year olds and jumped on each other, sat on each other and poked each other constantly, and just acting like sisters until we were both laughing so hard we cried.

After she left, I thought the assault of laughing and the day’s events were over. But then, of course, Dev crept into our house and scared the living right out of my mom. I loved seeing Dev; we have that friendship where we could not talk to each other for days at a time, or I could be away for 5 weeks, but then when we decide to hang out, we still fall back into step as loud, obnoxious, profanity screaming friends. After catching up on recent gossip, laughing even more and saying our goodbyes, “Night bi*ch!” “Night skank! See ya later!” I collapsed into bed saying goodnight to my momma who couldn’t be happier I was home.

The rest of my weekend consisted of seeing Lion King in 3D, which was one of the coolest things I have ever seen, they didn’t overdo the 3D but it emphasized so much detail that I never noticed before watching at home. My mom and I curled up and watched Brides Maids and nearly died laughing at the ridiculousness, I saw Dev again and we too, couldn’t contain ourselves, laughing at the most random things that weren’t remotely funny to anyone else. I went and watched the Rosemount High School marching band take first at Irondale (winning every AAA caption award) and nearly lost my toes in the process from the cold. I saw Sweeney Todd, one of the most gruesome and addicting musicals ever created and got to drink a Diet Coke. Yes, I do realize it’s pop, but I come from a Pepsi campus and so have been living on Dr.Pepper; a suitable substitute for only so long, Diet Coke is hard to get without a trek to the sketchy gas station up the road. I trip I am not willing to take, seeing as I value my life and do not with to jeopardize it.

But one of the best parts was seeing Josh.  After being broke up for 3 weeks and having not seen each other for 6, we decided to get together and talk. I went over and got to see my other family, which was wonderful. His little sisters are 11 and had many things to show me, from drawings to their gun safety targets to glow in the dark pajamas. His younger brother and I poked fun at one another and I got to hear all about his younger sister’s first few weeks of her junior year at high school. Then I got to see him. Neither of us really knew what to say at first, but then we did. A torrent of words and questions came pouring out of my mouth and heart, flooding the small space between us threatening to drown me if I didn’t quickly shut up and let him answer. After tears and hugs, we decided to get back together but take it slow, almost starting our friendship over, trying again. The relief that came from the weight being lifted off my shoulder was overpowering. Calming down and talking with the rest of his family, they headed off to the football game and Josh and I went to Chipotle. Oh Chipotle, it was so amazingly delicious. (just remembering is making my mouth water) I had it at least twice a month when I loved at home and I hadn’t had a burrito since the beginning of August, and the nearest one here is an hour away; but with no money or means of getting there I’m left SOL, so I need my fix stat, and it was perfect. Friday night was perfect.

Sadly, the weekend came and went and suddenly it was a sunny Sunday morning, we packed up the car once more (I learned my lesson after this trip home. I over packed drastically) and we went to breakfast at my favorite restaurant, Old Country Buffet. We all overate, but of course we did, it’s some good food, and therefor we all tried to not slip into a food coma.  Arriving back at Winona wasn’t as much of a shock or as emotional this time around. Last time my mom dropped me off, it was after she stayed down here for Labor Day weekend and a broken heart left me a tangled, sobbing, emotional mess. This time, it went smoothly. After getting home, I feel like I’ve gotten that need out of the way, I have satisfied that hunger and now I’m set for a few more weeks. Waving goodbye to momma, I went back up stairs to face the music that had become my pile homework and sat down at my desk with a grimace. But now, I felt rested, rejuvenated, recharged after a weekend of all laughs. I honestly believe it’s true; laughter really is the best medicine.


  1. Glad you got home for some fun & laughter and worked things out with Josh. Love you!!

  2. Awesome experience Bear!!! Even though I was part of it, it's cool to read it from your point of view. Keep writing!! Love!
